【antimatter】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: ['ænti.mætə(r)] US: ['æntɪ.mætər]
n. 1.【物理学】反物质
1 . The question to be asked first is, that, how the Matter, the Antimatter, and the Dark Matter are created in the universe.首先要回答的问题是,宇宙中,无质,反物质和暗物质是怎么产生的。2 . Still, for decades, scientists had clues that a vast cloud of antimatter lurked in space, but they did not know where it came from.不过,数十年来,科学家们发现了表明在宇宙空间中存有大量反物质的线索,但是反物质从何而来科学家们还不知道。3 . But this did not happen, there was a tiny deviation of one extra particle of matter for every 10 billion antimatter particles.但是,这并没有发生,有一个微小的偏差的一个额外的物质粒子,每百点零零零亿反粒子。4 . From bizarre antimatter to experiments that tie light up in knots, physics has revealed some spooky sides of our world.从奇异的反物质到把光捆扎成结的实验,物理学已经揭示了我们世界的一些幽灵般的奇异方面。5 . Since then, physicists have wondered why the universe seems to be dominated by matter and not antimatter.从那以后,科学家们一直想要探明为什么宇宙看起来是有物质而不是反物质构成。
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