【anxious】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: ['æŋkʃəs] US: ['æŋkʃəs]
adj. 1.焦虑的2.忧虑的,担心的;挂念的,焦急的3.切望的,渴望的;急想4.焦灼,着急,急想,焦急的,心急火燎5.紧张,提心吊胆,动荡不安;忧心忡忡,心神不安6.渴求,希望7.热情的;迫切地;巴不得8.使人不安的9.牵肠挂肚
1 . The teacher is anxious for her to give her a good mark.老师对她很焦急,希望她取得好成绩。2 . Never get out of the market just because you have lost patience or get into a market because your are anxious from waiting.不要因失去耐心而出市,不要因焦虑等待而入市。3 . It's easy to feel embarrassed or anxious when talking about sex, but you need to be sure you have all the right information.谈到性很容易使人感到尴尬或者焦虑,但是你需要确保你获得了所有正确的信息。4 . Bozo seemed an interesting man, and I was anxious to see more of him.博佐像是个有趣的人,我很想跟他多见几次面。5 . Though there is nothing the matter with her, we are anxious to go to see her.虽然她没有什么问题,但是我们还是急于要去看她。
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