【consistent】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: [kən'sɪstənt] US: [kən'sɪstənt]
adj. 1.一致的,协调的,相容的,不矛盾的; 首尾一贯的2.一致的,一贯,前后一致,始终如一的;统一的3.言行一致的;坚定的,有操守的4.符合,合乎,相符的5.可靠,稳定的6.忠诚的,坚定不移的,坚贞如一的,始终不渝的7.坚实的,密实的,稠的,浓厚的8.有力,站得住脚的9.顽固的10.准确
1 . On the surface, this might look like a good deal to the customer -- a consistent, predictable cost.从表面上看,这对客户十分有利——费用固定且可预见。2 . Other researchers said the findings are consistent with other studies on color and point to a skin-color prejudice that goes beyond race.其他研究人员说,调查结果是一致的其他研究颜色和指向一个肤色偏见超越种族。3 . 'The forensic evidence, we believe, will not be consistent with a forcible encounter, ' he said at the arraignment hearing.他在提审听证会上说,我们认为,法庭的证据不会与强行侵犯相符。4 . The mission is to run the last few miles like a strong wind, solid and consistent.您的任务是,最后几英里要跑得像一阵风,强劲有力,一气呵成。5 . This consensus is consistent with another consensus, that the nadir for share prices in March was "the" bottom.上述共识与另外一项共识一致,即股市3月份的低点是“真正的”底部。
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