【antiquarian】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: [.æntɪ'kweəriən] US: [.æntɪ'kweriən]
n. 1.文物工作者,古物收藏者2.古籍商,古玩商3.大幅图画纸〔31×53英寸〕4.研究古物的人adj. 1.研究文物的,搜集古物的2.搜集古籍的
1 . A lover of books, Thomas had a collection of 8, 000 titles, which he donated at the end of his life to the American Antiquarian Society.作为一个书籍的爱好者,托马斯有大约8000本藏书。在他临死之前,他把这些书全都捐给「美国古物学会」(AmericanAntiquarianSociety)。2 . We repeat it, these hybrid constructions are not the least interesting for the artist, for the antiquarian, for the historian.我们重申,这种混杂的构造,在艺术家、考古家和历史家看来是不乏兴味的。3 . Antiquarian and rare book dealers have previously been the only source for these books, providing first editions for premium prices.稀有和难得的书商以前一直是这些书籍的唯一来源,提供优质的价格第一个版本。4 . The antiquarian tried to palm the painting off as a real Renoir.古董商试图用那幅画冒充雷诺阿的原作出售。5 . Antiquarian map societies are prospering, and celestial maps are now viewed as a specialty of map collecting.古地图社会正在蓬勃发展,天体图,现在作为一个专业的地图收集效果。
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