【cell】 - PTE备考词汇
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n. 1.管,盒,槽2.小室,单室;隔间,舱;〔诗〕茅舍;(单个的)蜂窝,蜂房3.容器;槽4.小窝,室5.单人牢房6.基层组织,小组7.牢,监狱;心狱8.〔诗〕墓穴,墓9.(大修道院附属的)小修道院10.【生物学】细胞;【电学】电池;元件;【建筑】(天花板的)方格板;隔板;【航空】机翼构架;【原子能】晶格,晶胞;【计算机】单元,元件;【植物;植物学】花粉囊;药室;(气球等的)气囊;【气象学】单体,环型
1 . Hauser went on to say that he had spent most of his life in a small cell with one toy and a bed of straw.Hauser说,他一生中的大部分时间都待在一个小屋里,里面只有一个玩具,一张稻草床。2 . Cell phone technology advances quickly, and incentives to get a new phone every two years aren't easy to pass up.手机技术日新月异,刺激着人们大约每两年就会换一部新手机。3 . Beta carotene, which has been shown to help every cell in the body stay healthy, also happens to be a skin-targeted nutrient.β胡萝卜素已被发现可以帮助身体里的每个细胞保持健康,而且很巧,它还是针对皮肤的营养物。4 . Renal clear cell carcinoma is difficult to be detected in early stage and easy to metastasize distally .肾透明细胞癌早期症状不明显,容易发生远处转移。5 . THERE is the nail test, in which a team of engineers drives a large metal nail through a battery cell to see if it explodes.在针刺测试中,工程师们将一根大金属针穿过电池以观察其是否爆炸。
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