【celestial】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: [sə'lestiəl] US: [sə'lestʃəl]
adj. 1.天极,天上的;天文,天体,星(体);象日月星辰运转那样2.天的,天空的;天上的;天体的3.天体导航法的4.天国的;神圣的5.天国,天堂的,上苍的,升天的6.中国的,天朝的〔指封建时代的中国〕7.天衣无缝的8.超凡脱俗,光环绕身的9.会心的n. 1.天人,神仙2.(指封建时代的)中国人,天朝之人
1 . Hubble captured a spectacular pair of galaxies engaged in a celestial dance. The galaxies will eventually merge into a single giant galaxy .哈勃拍摄到两个互相碰撞的星系,这两个星系最终会合并成一个星系。2 . In the early morning of the next day, they rushed to the lecture venue to prepare the display of the Celestial Jewelry.第二天,她们又很早到讲经现场,准备天饰的展示,然后向来宾讲解天饰的内涵和意义。3 . So, in her opinion, someone, the place is a river's lake, whether celestial or to earth.所以,在斯琪看来,有人的地方就是江湖,无论是仙界还是凡间。4 . the parallax of a celestial body using two points in the earth's orbit around the sun as the baseline.以地球围绕太阳公转的轨道上的两点作为基线观察天体时产生的视差。5 . It is learned that the city's overall design seems to be the universe accurately calculate the exact position of celestial bodies.据悉,城市的整体设计方案似乎可以精确地算出宇宙天体的准确方位。