【comfort】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: ['kʌmfə(r)t] US: ['kʌmfərt]
第三人称单数:comforts 现在分词:comforting 过去式:comforted
v. 1.歇息;给…舒适感2.安慰;使(痛苦等)缓和,使安乐;〔古语〕援助,帮助3.安慰,给予安慰,使…感到安慰4.放心5.哄n. 1.便利,周到;舒适性;舒适待遇,生活上的安乐舒适2.安逸,舒适,安心,安安逸逸,舒舒服服,逍遥自在3.舒适,愉快4.(现代化)生活舒适用品[设备]5.安慰,宽慰,欣慰,慰藉6.安慰的东西,慰劳品;安慰者7.幸福,福分,欢畅,有福享8.快事,惬意的事情;引以为慰的,引以为慰的人9.〔美国〕鸭绒被10.〔古语〕【法律】援助
1 . Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.所有的颜色都因为害怕而蜷缩一团,互相依偎着寻求慰藉。2 . She had likewise dropped her fretful complaining, and we found it a great comfort.她也不再怨天尤人了,这使我们深感宽慰。3 . Some of his colleagues like snoop out of one of the reasons that surround you, comfort you.一些同事似是窥探出了其中原因,围在你身边安慰你。4 . The new installations will improve illumination, enhance energy saving and promote the general comfort of the office areas.新装置除可改善照明外,还可节省能源,及提供一个更舒适的工作环境。5 . The goal that makes you stretch just a little bit outside of your comfort zone is the best goal.最好的目标应该使你实现起来稍微有些困难,而不是太舒适。