【circumstance】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: ['sɜː(r)kəmstəns] US: ['sɜrkəmstəns]
v. 1.把…置于某种情况下n. 1.周围的)情况,情形,环境2.环境,客观环境;处境,境遇3.情况,情形;景况,客观情况4.条件;场合5.(人的)境遇,境况6.(事情的)详情,细节,本末,原委;(一桩)事故,事情,事实7.〔古语〕形式,仪式;(仪式的)隆重8.原因,前因后果;始末;瓜葛9.事,往事10.命运,机会
1 . As the grow in quantity of bilk of the bank on the net, the circumstance of safe respect may produce a change.随着网上银行诈骗的增多,安全方面的情况可能会发生改变。2 . Well in reality the agreements for this dance were manipulated heavily through the false intervention making it a no-win circumstance.唔,实际上,这一舞蹈的协议,被透过虚假干涉严重操控,造成了无赢的局面。3 . However do not expect earth to amass one a fortune or to provide one a dream come true circumstance all of the time.然而不要希望地球为你聚敛财富,或总是提供一个梦想成真的环境。4 . Here, despots of every stripe continued to hold sway, unaltered by time or circumstance.各种各样的独裁者持续统治着这里,不受时间和环境变化的影像。5 . His wife's wealth was a happy circumstance that enabled him to enter politics.他凭仗妻子的财富才能幸运地踏入政界。
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