【accouterments】 - PTE备考词汇
US: [əˈkʊtərmənts]
n. 1.〈正式〉装备;配备,通常是和特殊的职业,活动有关的
1 . True, it is a bit of a mutant Pigeon, and has been genetically modified with high-tech accoutrements .实际上,这辆飞鸽有些变种,它经过了基因改良,我用一些高科技手段改装了它。2 . Or if, as sometimes happens, I'm giving a gadget we no longer need to someone else, I can give them all the accoutrements, as well.或者,像有时候的情况,如果我把自己不再使用的一个电子产品送给别人,我也能把全部附件送给别人。3 . Hotpot, too, is probably a smart move, since there's not a whole lot for a waiter to do besides bring drinks and accoutrements.选择火锅做为餐厅的主打也是一个明智的做法,机器人服务员除了为客人递上酒水和火锅配料以外,就没有其他的事要做了。4 . They started adding little accoutrements to the advertising contracts and eventually they started throwing in bike-sharing systems.后来,他们开始在广告合同中增加一些小型装备。最终,他们开始进军自行车分享系统。5 . To protect yourself in future, all your office accoutrements should be discreetly marked with Tippex, invisible ink or similar.为了在将来保护好自己,你应该在办公室的所有装备上都仔仔细细地用记号笔、隐形墨水或类似的东西做上标记。