【anecdote】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: ['ænɪk.dəʊt] US: ['ænək.doʊt]
n. 1.轶事,轶闻,奇闻,故事,趣谈,内幕新闻2.逸话,轶事,掌故,奇闻;秘史3.轶事;趣闻4.逸事
1 . Been very careful to leave out of any story, anecdote, or gossip about the town.很小心得躲过镇上的任何传说,轶事,闲话。2 . To be certain, the contraband rice trade is at this point simply an anecdote, however widely bandied about in the grain market.诚然,无论在粮食市场上如何传得沸沸扬扬,水稻走私贸易目前还只是传闻轶事。3 . There is another version about this anecdote which says that Chruchill had nothing on when he heard someone knocking at the door.对于这则轶事,有另外的记载,说是丘吉尔赤着身子时,听到有人敲门。4 . This devotion is the reason that the traditions of southern India represent him as celibate (see the anecdote Devotion to his mother).这种热爱的原因就是南印度的传统把甘尼萨描绘成一位独身者(看看他献身于他母亲的秩事)。5 . Every time he does something horrendous, think how much you will enjoy retelling the anecdote later on.每当他做出一些可怕的事情,就想一想你随后讲述这段轶事的时候将是多么有趣。
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