【aristocracy】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: [.ærɪ'stɒkrəsi] US: [.erə'stɑkrəsi]
n. 1.贵族政治[政府],贵族统治的国家2.(集合词)贵族,贵族阶层,上层阶级,第一流人物3.贵族的派头4.贵族阶级,贵族阶层;名门望族;上流社会;达官贵人
1 . In Russia, a very different kind of uprising replaced the aristocracy of the czars with that of the Soviet Politburo.在俄罗斯,性质完全不同的起义,推翻了沙皇的贵族统治,取而代之的是苏共中央政治局的贵族统治。2 . He had a strong disliking for the aristocracy whom he thought were there by the labor of the poor such as his own family.他对贵族有着强烈的厌恶,因为他认为贵族是对跟他自己家庭一样的穷苦劳动者的剥削。3 . a. In theory (and often in practice) this was an aristocracy of service, in which position was determined by the emperor.在理论上(经常在实际上)这一集团是有官职的贵族,他们的地位取决于皇帝。4 . He said they saw it as a war between the people and an aristocracy. The South, he said, was ruled by a small group of aristocrats.他说,欧洲人认为,此次战争是美国人民与贵族阶级的战争,(因为)南方一直受少数贵族统治。5 . Those three elements, monarchy, aristocracy and democracy, thus had to be balanced for a state to remain free, they argued.他们争辩说这三种基本制度,君主制、贵族制以及民主制必须制衡以使国家保持自由。