【ascent】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: [ə'sent] US: [ə'sent]
n. 1.上升;升高2.(地位等的)上升,晋升3.上升,向上爬4.登高,攀登5.上坡;斜坡;坡度;阶梯6.上山7.追溯,上溯8.丘陵9.梯子10.爬高
1 . According to the DAN report, the diver ran out of air, and, having no backup breathing equipment, he made a rapid ascent to the surface.根据DAN的报告,潜水者耗尽氧气,没有备用呼吸设备,他会很快上升至水面。2 . The dolphins and whales hold the original cause for how this came to be so, or so earth's records have revealed in her recent ascent.海豚和鲸鱼持有如何成为这种情形的原始致因,在地球的早期提升中,她的记录也已揭露了这一点。3 . As such, nature shall be prepared to clean up its own environment for the ascent ahead, with or without human aid.这样,不管有没有人类帮助,大自然都将为前方的提升准备好净化自身环境。4 . The carry trade appears to have been squeezed out of the system by about late November, when the yen and the Vix halted their joint ascent.似乎到大约去年11月下旬的时候,套利交易就已被排挤在金融体系之外——当时,VIX指数和日元不再联袂攀升。5 . When you think about it in those terms, it makes Android's ascent towards dominance in Asia seem like a hollow victory for Google.从这些方面看,的确Android渐渐在亚洲占据了主要地位,但对谷歌来说只是个空洞的胜利。
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