【attendant】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: [ə'tendənt] US: [ə'tendənt]
n. 1.服务员,工作人员,值班人员,管理的人2.服务员;值班员3.服务员;出席者4.随从,随从人员;仆人;伴娘5.陪从,随员6.维护人员7.伴随物,附属品8.出席人,参加人9.比赛的参加者10.操作工adj. 1.随行的,跟随的2.伴随的,附随的3.伴随而来的4.护理的5.出席的6.身边的;护卫的7.在场的
1 . Previously he had been a night guard there, and before that a petrol - pump attendant, having dropped out of college .大学退学后,独立开设医院之前,他曾做过加油站加油工、夜间保安。2 . Passive voice, and its attendant obscurity, turn out to be very useful.被动语态,以及伴随而至的语焉不详,结果是非常有用的。3 . Surprised, the flight attendant and the copilot asked what he said to her that finally convinced her to move from her seat.副机长和服务员都非常惊讶的问机长他是如何说服她离开座位的。4 . In the rental area, an attendant, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, sat on his haunches to help outfit a young skier.在租借区,一个服务员嘴里叼着烟卷,坐着帮一个小滑雪者穿衣服。5 . And when He rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant, He sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him.于是把书卷卷起来,交还堂役,就坐下,会堂里的众人都定睛看他。
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