【austere】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: [ɔː'stɪə(r)] US: [ɔ'stɪr]
adj. 1.严格的,严厉的2.严格的,非常严格;严刻3.严肃的;自我克制的;苦行的4.严肃,严肃稳重的5.简朴,简陋,朴素的6.朴素的;质朴的7.苦涩的8.庄严,严正的9.刻板10.朴实粗浅的
1 . She was not antagonistic, just firm and austere, and I gathered that we were not likely to be the ones selected .她没有敌意,只是既坚定又严肃,而我估计我们十有八九是不会被选中的。2 . Austere Micah Hale wanted to be lenient at this moment, the last during which he would see his powerful mother-in-law.这是与他高贵的岳母的最后一面,严格的弥迦黑尔此刻愿意宽宏大量一些。3 . "It had to be somebody, " she said to the erect, austere missionary.“总要有人来做,”她对坐得笔挺的严肃的传教士说。4 . Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outline, bathed in a deep blue sea; but its vineyards, green and smiling, give it a soft and easy grace.平淡无奇的卡普里,像一块巨砺,沐浴在深蓝色的海中;那青葱翠绿笑脸相迎的葡萄园,更增添了些许柔和舒适的魅力。5 . Consumers were beginning to look beyond the austere and the purely functional to consider more sporty and luxury models.消费者开始不看朴素的代步车了,他们要考虑买跑车型的豪华车。
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