【authority】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: [ɔː'θɒrəti] US: [ɔ'θɔrəti]
n. 1.权威,威信;权力,权柄;权限,职权,权能2.权威,威信;权威人士;权威性3.权威者,泰斗,大家4.当局,政府,政府当局;机关5.工程管理处[局,委员会等];当局,官方6.代理权7.威严,威风,威风凛凛;神气,趾高气昂8.命令,强硬,专横跋扈的味道9.根据,凭据10.【法律】判决例,先例
1 . And there was given to him a mouth to say words of pride against God; and there was given to him authority to go on for forty-two months.又赐给他说夸大亵渎话的口.又有权柄赐给他、可以任意而行四十二个月。2 . The Maritime Safety Authority said the rest of the crew would almost certainly have perished. No further search for survivors is planned.海事处表示,船上的其他成员几乎没有希望存活,也没有安排进一步的搜救计划。3 . he and i continued in close agreement , and he gave his supreme authority to the views which i expressed.他和我继续保持完全一致,他对于我所发表的意见,以他个人的最高权威加以支持。4 . Shchednov is one of a growing number of artists in Russia who have been accused of breaching censorship conventions and insulting authority.在俄罗斯越来越多的艺术家因违反检查公约和侮辱当局而被指控,史凯德诺夫只是其中之一。5 . The Party shall ensure the right to appeal by the supplier to an impartial such an authority if it is not the first instance review body.参加方应确保供应商拥有向一个公正的、非初审查机构的机构提出上诉的权利。