【barren】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: ['bærən] US: ['berən]
n. 1.不毛之地,荒地,芜原2.废石adj. 1.贫瘠,荒芜,荒疏,荒无人烟的2.(植物)不结子的;不毛的,(土地)荒芜的3.不妊的,不会生育的,石女的4.无益的,无效的,(计划)无结果的;(思想等)贫乏的,无趣味的,无聊的5.草木不生,寸草木生,荒瘠不毛的6.空洞的,缺乏分析7.光秃秃的;土质干燥8.空落落,空荡荡的9.虚度的;徒然的10.穷,寒酸
1 . Panning across the dry, barren land it is hard to believe that this vast area used to be full of life.遭受旱灾威胁的贫瘠土地,实在很难让人相信、它过去充满生机的模样。2 . "When the sun goes away and the summer ends, we're all going to wake up and see things are as barren as ever, " he said.他表示:“当阳光不在,夏季过去,我们都将清醒过来,看到一切荒芜依旧。”3 . This piece, which is called "Flipped Earth" -- she was interested in taking the sky and using it to cleanse barren ground.这个作品,名为“翻转的地球”--她对拍摄天空有兴趣,用天空来装饰贫瘠的土地。4 . And Isaac besought the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and he heard him, and made Rebecca to conceive.依撒格因为自己的妻子不生育,便为她恳求上主;上主俯允了他的祈求,他的妻子黎贝加遂怀了孕。5 . It was a flowering out of feelings which had been withering in dry and almost barren soil for many years.这是多年在干旱贫瘠的土壤中不断枯萎的情感,又发出了新芽,开出新花。