【beauty】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: ['bjuːti] US: ['bjuti]
n. 1.〔集合词〕美丽的人们;美人,佳人2.美,美丽,漂亮; 美感3.美色;风韵;美观;美容4.美好的东西[事物],美景,美貌〔俗语中常作反语用〕5.美人,佳人,妙人儿;美男子,漂亮的公子哥儿6.美,好看;美貌;秀色,花容月貌7.幽美,甜美;美景;旖旎风光;美不胜收8.美点,妙处9.名句集,佳句集10.【原子能】美夸克〔衰变前可持续存在十万亿分之一秒左右的一种粒子〕
1 . But somethIng wonderful started happenIng In the mIdst of all thIs. I began to see all the beauty around me In a wholly new way.然而就在这时,一些奇妙的事情发生了。我开始以全新的方式看待我周围所有的美丽事物。2 . Find your beauty, my heart, from the world's movement, like the boat that has the grace of the wind and the water.我的心呀,从天下的运动找你的美吧,正如那划子获得风与水的美妙似的。3 . No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, beauty exerts its power over us.无论我们多么用力辩驳,或假装对它免疫,美仍然对我们产生影响。4 . With a hairstylist father and a manicurist mother, it's safe to say that LORAC creator Carol Shaw was born into the beauty business.有作为发型师指甲的父亲和作为修剪的师母亲,它的安全,说LORAC创造者卡罗尔·肖出生在美丽的生意。5 . Steven seems to think his wife is beautiful. It all goes to show that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.史蒂文似乎认为他的妻子很美。这就叫做情人眼里出西施嘛。
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