【binder】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: ['baɪndə(r)] US: ['baɪndər]
n. 1.〔化〕粘结剂,粘接剂2.〔冶〕粘合剂,胶结剂3.装订者;捆扎者4.包扎物,包扎工具,绳索,带子;缀合物;绷带,(产妇用)腹带;(草捆的)扎结处5.缚者,绑者,包扎者;(书籍)装订工6.〔英口〕感到厌烦的人;发牢骚的人7.〔商〕暂保单8.〔英国〕(食物的)大量,多量9.临时契约;购卖不动产的定金(收据)10.【农业】割捆机(缝纫机)滚边器;【机械工程】结合件;【建筑】接合料,系梁;连结石;【医学】结合剂;【冶金】黏合剂,胶合剂;胶合物;(书的)活页封面;装订机;【医学】止泻药
1 . The set of methods is filtered by the name, number of arguments, and a set of search modifiers defined in the binder.方法集按名称、参数数目、联编程序中定义的一组搜索修饰符进行筛选。2 . So, as my son, Adam prepared to leave for college, I jotted down a few words of counsel and put them in a binder.因此,在我的儿子亚当准备离家去上大学时,我零零星星写下一些忠告,放在一个活页夹里。3 . The surface strength, brightness, opacity, glossiness, and absorbency are influenced by the amount of binder in the coating.涂料中胶粘剂的用量直接影响纸张的印刷表面强度、白度、不透明度、光泽度和吸收性。4 . The ink material comprises a UV curable screen printing ink which contains a resinous binder, a hardener, and a fine particulate filler.油墨材料包括可UV固化的网印油墨,所述网印油墨含有树脂粘合剂、硬化剂和微粒填料。5 . In other words, more than one visual component can be bound to a given data object, but each visual component requires its own binder.换句话说,就是可以将多个可视化组件绑定到一个给定的数据对象,但每个可视化组件都需要它自己的binder。
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