【bow】 - PTE备考词汇
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复数:bows 过去分词:bowed 现在分词:bowing
v. 1.把…弯作弓形;弯2.用弓拉琴3.用弓拉奏4.鞠躬,打躬,点头;(树等)弯屈5.鞠躬,鞠一个躬,鞠躬致意,弯腰鞠躬6.低头,低下(头),埋下(头),耷拉着头7.弯腰,哈腰,点头哈腰;点点头,点头表示;颌首为礼8.屈服,屈从9.弯(腰等);低(头等);(点头)指示,表示10.压弯adj. 1.点头,鞠躬2.低头,屈服n. 1.弓;石弩;弓形物〔饰〕;弓形弯曲;弧2.鞠躬3.蝴蝶结,蝴蝶结领带4.(船)头,船头,(船)首5.船首;舰首;机首6.虹7.〔美国〕眼镜框〔脚〕8.凸肚窗9.前桨手10.【音乐】琴弓;【机械工程】锯弓
1 . A metal strip shaped like a hunting bow and attached to a tool or to the outside of casing.一个金属条带,形状象打猎的弓,与一个工具连在一起,或连在套管的外侧。2 . The Governor, to his credit, refused to bow to this "Arronax's" whims , and told him to get out of his office.大义凛然的地方官拒绝向这位叫做“阿罗那克斯”的混蛋低头,把他撵出了自己的办公室。3 . This asana is so named because the body mimics the shape of a bow with its string stretched back ready to shoot an arrow.之所以这样命名是因为身体酷似拉弓,背部伸展拉弓射箭的形状。4 . Hou Yi went up to a very high mountain with his bow and arrows, he wanted to shot all the suns down.他背起弓箭,站在一块巨石上,要把太阳都射落下来。5 . The next step, he said, is breaking out the causes of death of patients to determine bow higher exercise capacity cuts the risk of death.他同时指出:下一步工作应是将研究范围从病人死亡的致命原因扩展到证实运动能力将会在多大程度上降低死亡率。
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