【brilliance】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: ['brɪljəns] US: ['brɪljəns]
n. 1.辉煌;鲜明2.光彩,光辉,光泽3.漂亮;(名声)煊赫;文采;才气焕发,才华横溢4.才华,才气,才华过人,才华横溢5.灿烂,五光十色,璀璨夺目6.多面形宝石光泽7.〔测〕辉度8.透明度9.耀度10.【光学】辉度,亮度
1 . Shaoxing county hill butyl knitting Co. , LTD hope to cooperate with you, to advance together, create brilliance.绍兴县希尔丁针织有限公司期待与您携手合作,共同奋进,缔造辉煌。2 . He gazed at' the shiny black piano standing next to the wall; in the slanting rays of the sun it shone with an elegant brilliance.他望着墙边立着的漆黑闪亮的钢琴,那钢琴在斜阳柔和的光线中呈着一种凝重高雅的光泽。3 . Only his eyes glittered with a feverish brilliance, and his ideas followed one another with extreme rapidity and clearness.只是他那对眼睛闪烁着狂热之光。他的心绪万千,接踵而至,思路极其敏捷而且清晰。4 . As they sailed the world, Ariadne was certain she had won the heart of the hero in return for her brilliance, her loyalty, and her love.当他们的船四处航行时,阿里阿德涅坚信她已经赢得了英雄的心,他会回报她的才智、她的忠诚以及她的爱情。5 . It was a full moon, but a pale cloud hanging overhead made it lose some of its brilliance.虽然是满月,天上却有一层淡淡的云,所以不能朗照。