【bud】 - PTE备考词汇
UK: [bʌd] US: [bʌd]
复数:buds 过去分词:budded 现在分词:budding
n. 1.芽,新芽,蕾,花蕾,骨朵儿2.〔生〕芽体,芽状凸起3.未成熟的人[东西],〔比喻〕少女,少年,〔美国〕刚进社交界的姑娘4.〔口语〕伙伴,兄弟5.芽,萌芽,幼芽,蓓蕾,蓇朵,【动物,动物学】芽体,芽状凸起6.花蕊v. 1.发芽,萌芽,含苞待放2.出芽,抽芽3.开始发育[发展,成长]4.处于未成熟状态5.【植物,植物学】使芽接
1 . Consuming excessive capsicum tends to make the esophagus heat and destroy taste bud, resulting in lost sense of taste.吃得太多,容易令食道发热,破坏味蕾细胞,导致味觉丧失。2 . His face opened suddenly, as if lighted with simplicity, as when a flower opens out of the cunning bud.他突然笑逐颜开,纯朴天真,容光焕发,宛如紧锁的蓓蕾盛开出鲜艳的花朵。3 . Bud usually didn't come into work until after lunch, so I met with him for the first time the following Monday afternoon.Bud通常只在午餐后才来工作,所以我们的第一次见面就拖到了后一周的周一下午。4 . SI systems do not work if the stigma is pollinated experimentally when the flower is still in bud (allowing easy study of the system).实验时,对仍处于花蕾期的柱头授粉(该系统易于研究),SI系统不起作用。5 . Brief Introduction to some: the grass bud from Jianshui is often misunderstood for it looks like a reed.粗略介绍几样:草芽产自建水,长得像芦苇所以常被误解。