Read Aloud是整个PTE考试中,考生需要面对的第一道题型,也是经常被忽略掉其重要性的一种题型。
其实,Read Aloud占分额度非常大,并且同时影响考生的口语和阅读分数,它的难度不亚于口语中的Describe Image和Retell Lecture.
lenient parents
Two sisters were at a dinner party when the conversation turned to upbringing. The elder sister started to say that her parents had been very strict and that she had been rather frightened of them. Her sister, younger by two years, interrupted in amazement. “What are you talking about?” she said. Our parents were very lenient.
Upbringing ['ʌpbrɪŋɪŋ]
Frightened ['fraɪtnd]
Interrupted [,ɪntə'rʌptɪd]
Lenient ['linɪənt]
Two sisterswere at a dinner party when theconversationturned toupbringing. //Theeldersister started to say that / her parents had beenvery strict/ and that she had been ratherfrightened ofthem. //Her sister, /youngerby two years, / interrupted inamazement. “Whatare you talking about?” she said, / “our parents are very lenient.”
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