在PTE写作部分中,考生首先要面对的题型是Summarize Written Test,即总结摘要,也是PTE考试的一个难点。PTE写作考试中一般有2-3个摘要题,每题理论时间10分钟。在每个题目中,考生需要审阅概括一篇300-500字的小文章,并用一句话凝练。
全球老龄化 Ageing World
A call for revolutionary thinking we live in an ageing world. While this has been recognized for some time in developed countries, it is only recently that this phenomenon has been fully acknowledged. Global communication is "shrinking" the world, and global ageing is "maturing" it. The increasing presence of older persons in the world is making people of all ages more aware that we live in a diverse and multigenerational society. It is no longer possible to ignore ageing, regardless of whether one views it positively or negatively. Demographers note that if current trends in ageing continue as predicted, a demographic where in the proportions of the young and the old will undergo a historic crossover, will be felt in just three generations. This portrait of change in the world's population parallels the magnitude of the industrial revolution --traditionally considered the most significant social and economic breakthrough in the history of humankind since the Neolithic period. It marked the beginning of a sustained movement towards modern economic growth in much the same way that globalization is today marking an unprecedented and sustained movement toward a "global culture". The demographic revolution, it is envisaged, will be at least as powerful. While the future effects are not known, a likely scenario is one where both the challenges as well as the opportunities will emerge from a vessel into which exploration and research, dialogue and debate are poured. Challenges arise as social and economic structures try to adjust to the simultaneous phenomenon of diminishing young cohorts with rising older ones, and opportunities present themselves in the sheer number of older individuals and the vast resources societies stand to gain from their contribution. This ageing of the population permeates all social, economic and cultural spheres. Revolutionary change calls for new, revolutionary thinking, which can position policy formulation and implementation on sounder footing. In our ageing world, new thinking requires that we view ageing as a lifelong and society-wide phenomenon, not a phenomenon exclusively pertaining to older persons.
我们继续用三步法做题:找新信息,做删减,找逻辑。第一步找新信息,包括:新 的观点,新的论点,新的因素,原因,结果等等。第二步做删减,删掉包括:描述 性句子,举例,引用,人物介绍等等。最后一步就是把每个部分新信息用逻辑词连 接成一句话。
开头说,我们生活在一个 ageing world, 但是直至今日这个现象才收到广泛的关注。这是一个新信息,引出下文的分析。第二句说,global communication 让我们的世 界变小,而 global ageing 进一步让这一现象加深了。这里用全球化交流来进一步解 释 ageing world, 没有新信息。接下来一句说,高龄人口的增加让所有年龄段的人意 识到,我们住在一个多样化和多个备份的社会里。
同样,这一句还是再另一种方式 说人们开始意识到高龄人口的存在。也不是新信息。最后一句说,不论我们是正面 看待还是负面评价这一现象,我们都不能忽视它了。这一句很明显,有说到正面和 负面态度,可能下文会有两个观点出现,我们继续往下看再判断。
归纳新信息:人们逐渐意识到 ageing world 已经是全球范围不可以忽视的问题了。第一句话说,如果这个趋势延续,将会是一个 demographic revolution. 在三代人时 间里年轻人和老年人的比例将会有一个历史性的 crossover, 就是老年人比年轻人要 多了。前半句是新信息,说明 ageing world 将是一个人口变革,后半句是解释这个 变革是前所未有的一个 crossover. 第二句说这个变革和 industry revolution 对经济方 面的影响力是不差上下的。
接下来又说它是一个向现代经济发展的 sustained movement,和全球化一样前所未有。最后说 ageing world 有很强大的影响力。这一 段虽然句子都很长,但就是用很华丽的词语和对比证明全球老龄化的威力不可忽视。
归纳新信息就是:ageing world 将会是一次和 industry revolution 一样空前的历史性 人口变革。虽然未来的影响力是未知的,机遇和挑战并存的盛况必将迎来激烈的争论和研究。
很明显,这一段就呼应了 上文中的“regardless of whether one views it positively or negatively”,因此这个两 面性也是一个新信息。
归纳新信息:同时带来机遇和挑战。这一段说老龄化涉及 social, economic and cultural 方面,也带来了新的思维方式。这 个 thinking 是新信息。注意后文对它的诠释。
第二句说,这种革命性的思想,可以使政策的制定和实施更加稳固。最后一句话说新的思维需要我们要怎么看待老龄化。所以这一段只有一个新信息,就是新的思维方式去看待年长的人,后面的解释部分 可以挑一点作为修饰,也可以直接删减掉。
归纳新信息:这个 revolutionary change 带来 revolutionary thinking,并且对各个领域 都有影响。这篇文章就全球老龄化提出了一系列的论点,并分别进行详细的阐述。文章最开始 第一段引出了全文在讨论的主题,即全球老龄化问题。通过讲述这个问题逐渐被世 人所认知的过程,强调了它的不可避免性以及对整个社会的重要性。紧接着作者进 一步提出了这一问题的紧迫性和严重程度,并将其与工业革命和全球化进行类比。
随后,阐述了这一问题将会带来的挑战和机遇。并且在文章结尾,作者指出了我们 所应对其持有的态度,以及进一步的举措。在答案中,我们应尽可能的覆盖文章中 所有涉及到的主要论点,并酌情加以具体实例用来辅助说明。
The ageing world have recently been recognized when people aware the diverse and multigenerational society; Ageing should not be ignored because this demographic revolution parallels the magnitude of the industrial revolution, which also marked as an unprecedented movement towards global culture; with the phenomenon of diminishing youngster and rise in older ones, this trend indicates both challenges and opportunities in terms of social and economic structures.