Summarize Written Text (SWT)作为PTE写作部分的第一个题型,考察的是考生的阅读和写作的综合能力的运用,即在规定时间(10分钟),规定字数范围(5-75字)以一句话形式的前提下写一则文章段落的总结。
With an abundance of low-priced labor relative to the United States, it is no surprise that China, India and other developing countries specialize in the production of labor-intensive products. For similar reasons, the United States will specialize in the production of goods that are human and physical-capital intensive because of the relative abundance of a highlyeducated labor force and technically sophisticated equipment in the United States. This division of global production should yield higher global output of both types of goods than would be the case if each country attempted to produce both of these goods itself. For example, the United States would produce more expensive labor-intensive goods because of its more expensive labor and the developing countries would produce more expensive human and physical capital-intensive goods because of their relative scarcity of these inputs. This logic implies that the United States is unlikely to be a significant global competitor in the production green technologies that are not relatively intensive in human and physical capital. Nevertheless, during the early stages of the development of a new technology, the United States has a comparative advantage in the production of the products enabled by this innovation. However, once these technologies become wellunderstood and production processes are designed that can make use of less-skilled labor, production will migrate to countries with less expensive labor.
这篇文章的主要逻辑是:先在第一段提出中心理论,再从下文中对中心理论详细解释,最后总结出这个现象将会产生什么样的结果。文中用了很多连接词,如 because, nevertheless, however,给整篇文章搭建起丰富的逻辑;这样的逻辑,是需要体现在summary中的。
以中国和印度为代表的发展中国家;美国。第一句说由于在发展中国家有更佳廉价的劳动力,中印为代表的发展中国家专门生产labor-intensive products; 第二句说对立方,美国专门生产human and physical-capitalintensive products, 因为美国有更多的受过高等教育的劳动力和技术精尖的设备。
with an abundance of low-priced labor...China, India andother developing countries specialize in...labor-intensive products. ... UnitedStates will specialize in ... human and physicalcapital intensive productsbecause of ... a highly-educated labor force and technically sophisticatedequipment...
With lowpriced labor, China, India and other developingcountries specialize in labor-intensive products, while United Statesspecialize in human and physical-capital intensive products because of ahighly-educated labor force and technically sophisticated equipment.
第二段主要是对第一段提出的中心理论,进行解释,并发展出了一个新的点。第一句提出,这样的(自己按照自己的专长生产)世界生产分工,会比两个阵营同时生产两种产品(labor intensive vs physical capital-intensive)的产量更高。在接下来的 for example中对此进行详细的解释,以及说到美国在非physical capital-intensive的生产中并不是强劲的世界对手,提到意思与第一段提出的主旨是完全一样的。
1. 在新科技发展的初级阶段,美国具有创新的相对优势;
2. 一旦该科技被人熟知后,它的生产就会转移到发展中国家。
我们把文中主干剥离出来:during the early stages of the development of a newtechnology, the United States has a comparative advantage ... enables by thisinnovation... once these technologies become well-understood... production willmigrate to countries with less expensive labor.
我们从主干中挑出关键词,剔除重复表达过的词,重新表达,写入 summary:
the United States hasadvantage in the early stages of developing a new technology although theproduction will migrate to developing countries when it becomeswell-understood.
With low-priced labor, China,India and other developing countries specialize in laborintensive products,while the United States specialize in human and physical-capital intensiveproducts because of a highly-educated labor force and technically sophisticatedequipment, indicating that the United States has advantage in the early stagesof developing a new technology although the production will migrate todeveloping countries when it becomes well-understood.