很多考生会疑惑,PTE考试会不会很难,选择了PTE考试作为出国语言考试会不会难考?下面小编就大家全方位的分析PTE考试备考,PTE写作真题等信息!正在PTE备考的考生都有必要了解喔!大家可以通过我们今天为大家提供的 PTE阅读真题Re-order paragraphs练习6来提升自己,希望能给大家带来帮助:
PTE阅读Re-order paragraphs真题:
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In the United States, Lake Erie was dead. In Europe, the Rhine was on fire. In Japan, people were dying of mercury poisoning.
In the 1960s and 1970s, corporations were in a state of denial regarding their impact on the environment.
The environmental revolution has been almost three decades in the making, and it has changed forever how companies do business.
Then a series of highly visible ecological problems created a groundswell of support for strict government regulation.
Today many companies have accepted their responsibility to do no harm to the environment.
PTE阅读Re-order paragraphs真题答案与解析:
The environmental revolution has been almost three decades in the making, and it has changed forever how companies do business.
In the 1960s and 1970s, corporations were in a state of denial regarding their impact on the environment.
Then a series of highly visible ecological problems created a groundswell of support for strict government regulation.
In the United States, Lake Erie was dead. In Europe, the Rhine was on fire. In Japan, people were dying of mercury poisoning.
Today many companies have accepted their responsibility to do no harm to the environment.
在美国,伊利湖已经死了。 在欧洲,莱茵河遭到了抨击。 在日本,人们因汞中毒而死亡。
以上就是小编为您带来的PTE阅读真题Re-order paragraphs练习6的相关内容,如果想了解更多关于PTE考试口语真题,PTE阅读真题等攻略还请持续关注PTE在线学院,并且有什么需要可以随时敲我们客服小妹的窗口哦。