对于很多即将出国留学的同学来讲,PTE考试绝对不仅仅是拿给学校的参考成绩,尤其是打算去澳洲留学的小伙伴们更是如此,它能够让你更顺利的通过澳洲及英国的全部签证类型,可谓是功能强大,那么备考PTE考试就是现在同学们最关心的问题了,今天小编就为大家来讲一讲PTE写作真题Summarize Written Text2,希望能够帮到大家:
PTE写作真题Summarize Written Text:
Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judge on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage.
A large new study has found that people who regularly took a siesta were significantly less likely to die of heart disease. "Taking a nap could turn out to be an important weapon in the fight against coronary mortality," said Dimitrios Trichopoulos of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, who led the study published yesterday in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
The study of more than 23,000 Greek adults the biggest and best examination of the subject to date found that those who regularly took a midday siesta were more than 30 percent less likely to die of heart disease.
Other experts said the results are intriguing. Heart disease kills more than 650,000 Americans each year, making it the nation's No. 1 cause of death.
"It's interesting. A little siesta, a little snooze may be beneficial," said Gerald Fletcher, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., speaking on behalf of the American Heart Association. "It's simple, but it has a lot of promise."
While more research is needed to confirm and explore the findings, there are several ways napping could reduce the risk of heart attacks, experts said. "Napping may help deal with the stress of daily living," said Michael Twery, who directs the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute's National Center on Sleep Disorders Research.
"Another possibility is that it is part of the normal biological rhythm of daily living. The biological clock that drives sleep and wakefulness has two cycles each day, and one of them dips usually in the early afternoon. It's possible that not engaging in napping for some people might disrupt these processes." Researchers have long known that countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain, where people commonly take siestas, have lower rates of heart disease than would be expected. But previous studies that attempted to study the relationship between naps and heart disease have produced mixed results. The new study is first to try to fully account for factors that might confuse the findings, such as physical activity, diet and other illnesses.
PTE写作真题Summarize Written Text参考答案:
The study on more than 23,000 Greek adults excluded other factors and discovered that taking a siesta regularly can reduce the mortality due to heart disease, which is the No. 1 cause of death, because napping could help deal with the stress of daily living and is part of the normal biological rhythm of daily living, contributing to lower rates of heart disease in some European countries. (64 words)
这项针对超过23,000名希腊成年人的研究排除了其他因素,并发现定期午睡会降低因心脏病导致的死亡率,这是导致死亡的头号原因,因为午睡可以帮助应对日常生活的压力, 日常生活的正常生物节律的一部分,在一些欧洲国家有助于降低心脏病的发病率。 (64字)
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