对于很多即将出国留学的同学来讲,PTE考试绝对不仅仅是拿给学校的参考成绩,尤其是打算去澳洲留学的小伙伴们更是如此,它能够让你更顺利的通过澳洲及英国的全部签证类型,可谓是功能强大,那么备考PTE考试就是现在同学们最关心的问题了,今天小编就为大家来讲一讲PTE阅读真题Re-order paragraphs练习2,希望能够帮到大家:
PTE阅读Re-order paragraphs真题:
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Yet whenever he was hungry he got up and propelled himself straight to the kitchen to get something to eat.
In 1992 a retired engineer in San Diego contracted a rare brain disease that wiped out his memory.
Studies of this man led scientists to a breakthrough: the part of our brains where habits are stored has nothing to do with memory or reason.
Every day he was asked where the kitchen was in his house, and every day he didn’t have the foggiest idea.
It offered proof of what the US psychologist William James noticed more than a century ago- humans “are mere walking bundles of habits”.
PTE阅读Re-order paragraphs真题答案解析:
In 1992 a retired engineer in San Diego contracted a rare brain disease that wiped out his memory.
Every day he was asked where the kitchen was in his house, and every day he didn’t have the foggiest idea.
Yet whenever he was hungry he got up and propelled himself straight to the kitchen to get something to eat.
Studies of this man led scientists to a breakthrough: the part of our brains where habits are stored has nothing to do with memory or reason.
It offered proof of what the US psychologist William James noticed more than a century ago- humans “are mere walking bundles of habits”.
它提供了一个多世纪以前美国心理学家威廉詹姆斯注意到的证据 - 人类“仅仅是一堆习惯”。
以上就是小编为您带来的PTE阅读真题Re-order paragraphs练习2的相关内容,如果想了解更多关于PTE写作,PTE机经等攻略还请持续关注PTE考试信息网,并且有什么需要可以随时敲我们客服小妹的窗口哦。