考试原题: What do you think is the greatest invention of the 20thcentury: medicine, airplane or computers? why?
There can be no doubt that the twentieth century is one of the most remarkable in human history for its previously unparalleled rate of technological advances and scientific discoveries. (万能开头模版句哦)With the advent of computers, medicine and airplane, humankinds have progressed in all aspects of life.(点题) In my opinion, computers can be seen as the greatest inventions among the three,(给出观点)considering its extraordinary computing capabilities and superb utility in storing information.(总述两个分论点)
First of all, computers, capable of doing numerous mathematical calculations with incredible speed and pinpoint accuracy(插入语哦), have been playing an essential role in increasing productivity and reducing human errors. Thanks to computers, human involvement is greatly minimized by just supplying data to the computer and getting results in a fraction of seconds. (第一个观点讲计算能力带来的好处)
Secondly, computers can store large amount of information and users can retrieve it later for further processing. For instance, trend analysis and financial forecast of a company are done by reference to its historical data stored in computers. Thus it is evident to conclude that computers have contributed significantly to the business world. (第二个观点讲电脑储存信息的好处)
In conclusion, I am firmly convinced that computers are the top innovations of the 20th century considering its high speed processing ability and the high storage facility. (总结概括两个分论点) Therefore, we can say that life without computers seems to be like a rose without petal. (word count: 226)