大家都知道,PTE考试与雅思很像,却有着很强的便捷性,申请方便且为机考,这让很多同学由雅思转战PTE考试,那么在准备PTE考试的时候难免也会遇到这样那样的问题,今天PTE考试信息网小编就为大家提供一套PTE阅读真题Re-order paragraphs练习,希望大家能认真练习,提高成绩!
PTE阅读Re-order paragraphs真题
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The same problem would arise if two travellers journeyed in opposite directions to a point on the opposite side of the earth, 180° of longitude distant.
The date line is necessary to avoid a confusion that would otherwise result.
For example, if an airplane were to travel westward with the sun, 24 hours would elapse as it circled the globe, but it would still be the same day for those in the airplane while it would be one day later for those on the ground below them.
International Date Line, imaginary line on the earth's surface, generally following the 180° meridian of longitude, where, by international agreement, travellers change dates.
The apparent paradox is resolved by requiring that the traveller crossing the dateline change his date, thus bringing the travellers into agreement when they meet.
PTE阅读Re-order paragraphs参考答案
International Date Line, imaginary line on the earth's surface, generally following the 180° meridian of longitude, where, by international agreement, travellers change dates.
The date line is necessary to avoid a confusion that would otherwise result.
For example, if an airplane were to travel westward with the sun, 24 hours would elapse as it circled the globe, but it would still be the same day for those in the airplane while it would be one day later for those on the ground below them.
The same problem would arise if two travellers journeyed in opposite directions to a point on the opposite side of the earth, 180° of longitude distant.
The apparent paradox is resolved by requiring that the traveller crossing the dateline change his date, thus bringing the travellers into agreement when they meet.
例如,如果一架飞机要与太阳一起向西行驶,那么它在环绕地球的过程中会经过24小时,但对飞机上的人来说仍然是同一天,而对于那些在地面上的人来说,它将在一天之后 他们。
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