对于很多即将出国留学的同学来讲,PTE考试绝对不仅仅是拿给学校的参考成绩,尤其是打算去澳洲留学的小伙伴们更是如此,它能够让你更顺利的通过澳洲及英国的全部签证类型,可谓是功能强大,那么备考PTE考试就是现在同学们最关心的问题了,今天小编就为大家来讲一讲PTE口语考试Retell Lecture练习1,希望能够帮到大家:
Retell Lecture
Welsh speaker
Welsh is a Celtic language spoken in Wales by about 740,000 people, and in the Welsh colony in Patagonia, Argentina by several hundred people. There are also Welsh speakers in English, Scotland, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.
At the beginning of the 20th century about half of the population of Welsh spoke Welsh as an everyday language. Towards the end of the century, the proportion of Welsh speakers had fallen to about 20%. According to the 2001 census 582,368 people can speak Welsh, 659,301 people can either speak; read or write Welsh, and 797,717 people, 28% of the population, claimed to have some knowledge of the language.
According to a survey carried out by S4C, the Welsh language TV channel, the number of Welsh speakers in Wales in around 750,000, and about 1.5 million people can 'understand' Welsh. In addition, there are an estimated 133,000 Welsh-speakers living in England, about 50,000 of them in the Greater London area.
Welsh is a Celtic language spoken in Wales by about 700k people.
There arc also Welsh speakers in England, Scotland, Canada, Australia and Ncnv Zealand.
At the beginning of 20,h century about half of the population of Wales spoke Welsh; however, at the end of the century, the percentage of Welsh speakers had fallen to about 20%.
20世纪初,威尔士大约一半的人口讲威尔士语; 然而,在本世纪末,威尔士人的比例已降至约20%。
以上就是PTE在线学院小编为大家带来的关于PTE口语考试Retell Lecture练习1的资讯,如果想了解更多关于PTE口语真题等攻略还请持续关注PTE在线学院。