如今很多同学开始备考PTE考试,PTE考试与雅思同为学术英语考试,可谓是各有千秋,深受欧美各大院校的喜爱,成为申请留学院校的必备参考成绩之一,然而,在PTE备考过程中很多同学难免会有这样那样的问题出现,今天PTE考试辅导网就为大家来说一说PTE口语Speaking专项练习材料4 ,希望对大家能够有所帮助:
1. A recent trend in the entertainment world is to adapt classic works of literature for either TV or movies. One argument is that this is to everyone’s benefit, as it introduces people to works they might otherwise never have, but is rarely done successfully.
2. History rubs shoulders and often overlaps with many other areas of research, from myths and epics to the social sciences, including economics, politics, biograph, demography, and much else besides. Some histories are almost pure narratives, while others go in for detailed, tightly-focused analyses of, for example, the parish records of a Cornish village in the 16th century.
3. In the Middle Ages, the design and use of flags were considered a means of identifying social status. Flags were, therefore, the symbols not of nations, but of the nobility. The design of each flag resembled the "devices" on the noble's Coat of Arms, and the size of the flag was an indication of how high the owner stood in the nobility.
4. Many papers you write in college will require include quotes from one or more sources. Even if you don't have to do it, integrating a few quotes into your writing can add life and persuasiveness to your arguments. The key is to use quotes to support a point you're trying to make rather than just include them to fill space.
5. A university is a lot more than just classes and exams, university is a concept that offers you a host of possibilities to develop both academically and personally. Find out about the different projects, clubs and societies that are in your university. You will definitely find something you are interested in.
6. Moods may also have an effect on how information is processed, by influencing the extent to Positive moods promote more holistic and top-down processing style, while negative moods recruit more stimulus- driven and bottom-up processing, which judges rely on pre-existing, internal information, or focus on new, external information.