为了快速搞定PTE考试,很多同学都在疯狂地做题、背单词、看机经……这样盲目地备考却只让考试提分缓慢,收效甚微!如果经过我们老师的教导后,相信你的各项能力都能提高一个档次。希望大家可以通过我们今天的介绍更加的了解PTE考试,并且还可以获取更高的分数。 刚看到这一题很多同学都不知道它具体讲的是什么,又加上没有标题,所以同学们很难定位关于headline这句应该怎么套模板。如果你看的出来这就是由于河流的变迁或改道,曲形河道自行截弯取直后留下的旧河道形成的湖泊,也叫做“牛轭湖”或者“马蹄湖” 你就可以说 The two pictures in this question show the formation process of an oxbow lake. 但如果你完全看不出来这是怎么一回事,那也可以随便在图中找个词带入到第一句DI的模版也可以的。因为DI的最快的拿分点还是图中给出的原词,如果你看不懂题也没关系,就把能念的带进模板念出来。
图A里面就是一条河a river / a stream meandered through the field / plain (平原), 在图A的右边还有一处窄口叫做neck.
图B里面就发生了很多事情,首先在这幅图的右上角我们看到长时间河水中沙石和淤泥的沉淀。As time passes by, the sand and silt accumulate near the neck area of the river. 然后一旦后期有洪水发生,河流的主流就会冲过neck 这个地方形成一个new channel. 我们就可以说:As the neck of the meander becomes narrower and the river cuts through the neck during a flood. 最后一步就是当curved meander 这个部分被淤沙隔断之后,就形成了我们在图B左边看到的新的一个像马蹄形状的oxbow lake. 所以我们可以说:The end result is the curved meander is completely cut off from the main stream and forms an oxbow lake itself as a free-standing body of water.
The two pictures in this question demonstrate the formation process of an oxbow lake. In picture A, it is clear that a river / a stream meandered through the field / plain. As time passes by, in picture B, it is apparent that sand and silt accumulate near the neck area of the river shown at the yellow section. As the neck of the meander becomes narrower and it is highly likely that the river cuts through the neck during a potential flood. The end result is the curved meander is completely cut off from the main stream and forms an oxbow lake itself as a free-standing body of water. (109 words)
希望这道题如果大家在考试中又遇到的时候能够从容自信地面对!Good Luck!