准备参加PTE考试的考生们,你们准备得如何了?备考PTE,你对PTE考试有深入的了解吗?PTE学术英语考试,英文名称Pearson Test of English Academic(PTE Academic),也被译为培生英语考试,是由培生教育集团(Pearson)开发并得到GMAC认可的一款新的基于电脑的国际学术英语考试。它为那些需要学术英语的机构例如大学,高等学府以及政府部门提供了一个真实的衡量考生能力的工具。PTE考试网的小编会详细为大家带来PTE英语考试内容的详解。本文,小编为各位带来了PTE考试备考、PTE在线培训、南京PTE考试培训、PTE报名费用、PTE考试哪些国家有用的相关信息,希望备考PTE的考生或者想在以后参加PTE考试的考生认真阅读,可以给大家的备考带来帮助!
In this part of the Speaking section you will see a short text on the screen. You will be given either 30, 35 or 40 seconds to read it before the computer starts recording you. You will have the same amount of time again for the recording. When the computer starts recording, you must read the text aloud. You will do 6-7 Read Aloud tasks.
*编者注:Read Aloud的时间跟长度有关,分为30/35/40秒三种可能性;阅读的时间和实际录音的时间是一致的。
Before You Speak
1. Read the text before the microphone opens. These tasks aim to test your understanding of the text. If you understand the content of the text, you’ll find it easier to use stress and intonation to help express meaning.
考官建议大家在准备的时候就大声读出来。俗话说:“一回生,二回熟”,有了一遍预演,实际录音的时候就会自信很多。同时,意思的理解对于Read Aloud而言非常重要。有时候搞明白了句子到底在说什么,才能真正明白该怎样去读它。
2. Try to guess the pronunciation of any unknown words.
While You Speak
1. Imagine that you are speaking to an audience. Speak clearly, at normal speed and volume. If you speak too quietly or too quickly, it might be difficult to assess your speech.
在读Read Aloud的时候,千万不能把这段文字当做“念经”一样读出来,这样会导致语音语调严重缺失,考官的建议是当做和人聊天对话的语气,会更加自然。
另外考官也说的很清楚:Speak clearly, at normal speed and volume. 在没有读清楚的前提下,没有必要刻意读的飞快,或者大声吼叫,这些都是不实用的技巧。一般Native Speaker一分钟可以读120-150词左右,实际考试不需要高于这个速度。
2. Use punctuation to help you identify places for brief, natural pauses. Keep your mind on meaning but pay attention to your stress and rhythm as well as pronunciation of sounds and smooth transitions between words.
3. If you make a mistake, don’t go back and correct yourself. Just keep going. You will not be able re-record anything.
Notes from the test developers
· Do not pause for more than two seconds. After three seconds, the recording stops and you cannot re-open the microphone.
PTE口语录音有着名的“三秒停止” 系统,一旦停顿超过2秒,非常容易导致整个录音被切断。
· To get a good score, your response must include all the words in the text and you must say them with good pronunciation and fluency.
很多同学疑惑的点就在于,感觉自己英语口语不差,但是PTE分数就是非常低。看看自己的Fluency和Pronunciation拿了几分?要拿高分,Good Pronunciation和Fluency是关键!
· These tasks contribute to your reading, speaking, pronunciation and oral fluency scores.