随着PTE考试的不断普及,我们能够从越来越多的渠道接触到PTE资讯,PTE考试时间,PTE报名费用等各种五花八门的内容。PTE和每一门语言考试一样,有自己的评分方式以及考察侧重点。今天,就让我们回归原点,从PTE官方Test Developers的视角带着我们看PTE这门考试究竟是怎样一回事,PTE Repeat Sentence具体要怎么才能拿到高分吧!
In this part of the Speaking section you will hear a sentence of between three and nine seconds in length, which you must repeat into the microphone within 15 seconds. You will do 10-12 Repeat Sentence tasks.
实际PTE Repeat Sentence的难度系数会由3秒一直上升到9秒,练习的时候也需要掌握循序渐进的原则,先练好3-5秒的句子,再去挑战7-9秒的难题。
While you listen
1. Listen very carefully. Try to understand the meaning as this will help you to remember the words. Note down key words but only if it helps you.
2. Pay attention to the sentences stress and rhythm.
Sentence Stress和Rhythm也是很多考生因为过度关注内容而会忽略的点。这很可能会影响Fluency和Pronunciation的分数,导致RS的分数不高哦。
While you speak
1. Start speaking as soon as possible after the one-second pause.
实际考试中,Repeat Sentence的音频到录音之间只有1秒的空隙,而且没有提示音。所以开始录音后需要立即开始说话,否则很可能会导致题目被跳过。
2. Imagine you are speaking to another person in the room. This will help you to say the sentence clearly, naturally and at normal speed and volume. You have 15 seconds to repeat the sentence, so you do not need to speak quickly. If you speak too quietly or too quickly, it might be difficult to assess your speech.
3. Keep your mind on meaning but try to copy the sentence stress and rhythm of the speaker. However, do not try to copy their accent – use your own pronunciation of words. Also pay attention to your pronunciation of sounds and linking between words.
4. Attempt any unknow words – you could be right!
5. If you make a mistake, don't go back and correct yourself. Just keep going. You will not be able to re-record your sentence.
Notes from the test developers
· After you hear the sentence, you will have just one second before you must repeat it.
· Do not pause for more than two seconds. After three seconds, the recording stops and you cannot re-open the microphone.
· To get a good score, you must repeat the words in the correct sequence and with good pronunciation and fluency.
· These tasks contribute to your listening, speaking, pronunciation and oral fluency scores.
Repeat Sentence实测对听力有较大的影响,因为题目数量是随机的,所以最终分值在30%-35%之间浮动。
2018年PTE考试随时可以开考,大家一定要好好准备,PTE考试基础班也于近日开课了,有兴趣的同学可以进行咨询报名哦! 想要了解PTE考试备考、PTE评分标准以及PTE在线培训等信息的学生和家长,可以直接在线进行一对一咨询哦!