PTE阅读是让很多小伙伴们头疼的一项,考完分数总是差2、3分。为什么PTE阅读比较难呢?如何提高自己的阅读分数呢?小编今天来给大家带来一篇关于PTE FIB题型的真题演练。
Movement in painting
Movement in painting that 1 in France in the 1860s and had enormous influencein European and North American painting in the late 19th century. The Impressionistswanted to2 real life, to paint straight from nature, and to capture the changingeffects of light. The term was first used abusively to describe Claude Monet’s paintingImpression: Sunrise (1872). The other leading Impressionists included Paul Camile, EdgarDegas, Edouard Manet, Camille Pissarro, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Alfred Sisley, but onlyMonet remained devoted to Impressionist ideas throughout his career.
The core of the Impressionist group was formed in the early 1860s by Monet, Renoir, and Sisley, who met as students and enjoyed painting in the open air - one of the hallmarks of Impressionism. They met other members of the Impressionist circle through Paris café society. They never made up a formal group, but they organized eight group exhibitionsbetween 1874 and 1886, at the first of which the name Impressionism was applied. Theirstyles were diverse, but all 3 with effects of light and movement created withdistinct brush strokes and 4 of color dabbed side-by-side on the canvas ratherthan mixed on the palette. By the 1880s the movement’s central impulse had dispersed,and a number of new styles were emerging, later described as post-impressionism.
1 A、from; B、originated; C、came from; D、derived
2 A、depict; B、convey; C、describe; D、portrait
3 A、test; B、assured; C、experimented; D、influenced
4 A、pieces;B、fragments; C、parts; D、frame
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