准备参加PTE考试的考生们,你们准备得如何了?备考PTE,你对PTE考试有深入的了解吗?PTE考试网的小编会详细为大家带来PTE英语考试内容的详解。本文,小编为各位带来了一篇PTE口语考试Write Essay,希望备考PTE的考生或者想在以后参加PTE考试的考生认真阅读,可以给大家的备考带来帮助!
1. Sports and games create disturbance in students’ life because students cannot fully concentrate on their studies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. Xenophobia (排外,仇外) has accelerated rapidly in the western countries. According to you what solutions can be proposed by government and individuals?
3. In the 18th century due to industrialization, a lot of people migrated to developed countries. This affected lifestyle and increased problems in developed countries. What is your opinion about this?
4. Most high-level jobs are done by men. Should governments encourage that a certain percentage of these jobs be reserved for women? What is your opinions?
5. Cultural shock is a new worry leading to less immigration. What are the possible options to eradicate this issue?
6. What is your view on the idea that it takes failure to achieve success?
7. Some effective people like repetitive routine, such as eating the same food, do you like this way?
PTE考试网一直致力于做PTE培训,现在PTE考试需要有优秀的老师去辅导上课,感兴趣的学生可以咨询我们哦!如果你对南京PTE培训、PTEWrite Essay等信息感兴趣。可以直接联系我们。