说到PTE口语,相信大家最害怕的题型就是Describe Image, 江湖传言DI不会讲口语没商量。其实只要掌握套路,DI也不是坚不可摧。今天小编带大家来看一下DI流程图的答题技巧。
Firstly, secondly, originally, initially, in its infancy stage, at the very beginning, at the following stage, later on, afterwards, finally, eventually, in the end, a la fin, etc.
This picture indicates the life cycle of a silkworm with five stages. Approximately ten days after coming out of the egg, it becomes a silkworm larva feeding on mulberry leaf. Then it takes four to six weeks for the larva to get silk thread surrounding itself with a part of its tail outside. At the following stage which takes around three to eight days it eventually become a cocoon with silk thread covering all around. At the end, it will come into a moth after 16 days or so.