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A study published in 2013 //by Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne of Oxford University //stoked anxieties //when it found that// 47% of jobs in America were
vulnerable to automation.// Machines are mastering ever more intricate tasks, //such as translating texts or diagnosing illnesses.// Robots are also becoming capable of
manual labour //that hitherto could be carried out only by dexterous humans. //Yet America is the high ground //when it comes to automation, //according to a new report
from the same pair// along with other authors. //The proportion of threatened jobs is much greater//in poorer countries:// 69% in India, //77% in China and as high as 85% in Ethiopia.// There are two reasons.//First, jobs in such places are generally less skilled. //Second, //there is less capital tied up in old ways of doing things.//
Driverless taxis might take off more quickly// in a new city in China,//for instance,// than in an old one in Europe.//