1.On October 12,1999, the United Nations Population Fund estimated that the world's population reached six billion, celebrating the occasion as the ''Day of 6 Billion* At two minutes past midnight, a male baby born in Bosnia was symbolically designated the world's six billionth person by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Different Estimates of the actual population turning point exist, most notably the one by the US Census Bureau. According to the Census Bureau, the world population reached the 6 billion mark on July 19,1999, at about 12:24:02 a.m. GMT (July 18 at 8:24:02 p.m. EST). Every minute there are an estimated 250 births and 103 deaths in the world, which equals an increase of 147 people every sixty seconds.
The key differences in methodology used by the United Nations Population Fund versus the US Census Bureau. The rate at which the population grew between 19 July and 12 October 1999 The assessment of the net rate of global population increase, which is currently 250 people per minute. The estimated points in time at which the world's population reached a given figure.
2. Indigenous Americans: The Sioux
Sioux or Dakota, is a confederation of Native North American tribes, the dominant group of the Hokan-Siouan linguistic stock, which is divided into several separate branches. The Sioux, or Dakota, consisted of seven tribes in three major divisions: Wahpekute, Mdewakantonwan, Wahpetonwan and Sisitonwan (which together formed the Santee or Eastern division, sometims referred to as the Dakota); the lhanktonwan or Yankton, and the lhanktonwana or Yanktonai (who together formed the Middle division, sometimes rederred to as the Nakota); and the Titonwan or Teton (who together formed the Western division, sometimes referred to as the Lakota). The Tetons, originally a single band, divided into seven sub-bands after the move to the plains. These seven sub-bands include the Hunkpapa, Sihasapa (or Blackfoot), and Oglala.
The major divisions of the Sioux people or North America are _____
The Wahpekute, Mdewakantonwan, Wahpetonwan and Sisitonwan
The Santee, the Nakota and the Lakota
The Hunkpapa, Sihasapa (or Blackfoot), and Oglala
The Santee, the Eastern Division and Dakota.